April 17, 2013
A lovely new shop to check out!
Shop Lark About is a new store on etsy that has awesome pieces to add to your curiosity collections!
Posted by
Rachel B
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Labels: curiosities, Etsy, natural history, shoplarkabout, shopping
March 25, 2013
Flying Ointment.
Yes, I said flying ointment. I am working on another recipe right now. Adding a few extra herbs... it will be pleasingly potent. Mind altering ointments have a strange reputation. Some people feel they are too dangerous to even consider. Some people really don't understand what they are used for. I have done countless hours of research to be sure the herbs I use are the right ones- for me. I respect these plants. I never abuse them. I love the process of creating recipes and then crafting the finished product. Have you used ointments like this before? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Posted by
Rachel B
Monday, March 25, 2013
Labels: flying ointment, herbal recipes, herbs, mind altering plants
March 17, 2013
Ritual oil...
Posted by
Rachel B
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Labels: anointing oil, below the oak, magic, pagan, perfume oil, spellcraft, witch
January 14, 2013
Boys and their hair. Moms and their sons' hair.
I sort of pushed the issue in a manipulative way. Like "Hey babe what if we just snip it really quick with scissors? " or "Oh but I just love your cute little ears!". He said he wanted to grow it long. I asked how long and he said, "Well not as long as Finley's hair.". Finley is his sister and her hair is past her mid back. So.... I tried to figure out why I was so opposed to him having longer hair. I've always let my three older daughters cut their hair any way they like. As a matter of fact, my 13 year old daughter Sydney has her head shaved. I never expect my daughters to live up to anyone's standard of beauty- not even my own. It is their hair and they can express themselves with it as they choose. So why was I feeling so resistant about it with my son? Was I being a hypocrite? Are my girls freer to do as they choose because they are older? (7, 10, 13) Or are they freer because they're girls? Silly mommy. Maybe it's because he's the baby and he is now forming his own opinions and requesting his own styles? Whatever my resistance, I decided to let it go. It's just hair. Who cares if he has 2 cowlicks on his crown. Who cares if his Grandma doesn't approve. Who cares if for some reason the back of his hair grows faster than the front and he seems to have a natural mullet.
I love my son. NOT his hair. We will see what he decides over time, and adore him for having a unique personality the same way his sisters do.
Posted by
Rachel B
Monday, January 14, 2013
Labels: babies, decision making, haircuts, mullets
November 24, 2012
Sale in Feather and Moss Curiosities!
Posted by
Rachel B
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Labels: 20% off, bones, curiosities, curiosity, minerals, mushrooms, sale, shopping
October 8, 2012
Fall Sale in my photography shop!
I'm having a fall sale in the shop. 25% off everything (including my vintage stuff).
Use the code FALLSALE at checkout!
Posted by
Rachel B
Monday, October 08, 2012
Labels: autumn, fall, moonflowers, moonflowers.etsy.com, my photography, october, photography, sale
September 3, 2012
A Curiosity Giveaway!
We've been getting a lot of love on both the Tumblr and Etsy communities of late, from some really awesome followers and a large number of just outstanding treasuries. Positive word of mouth is a powerful thing, and we're extremely grateful for all your reblogs and linkbacks and treasuring. It's been amazing, really. So we thought a little celebratory giveaway was in order!
What you can win
This here miniature curiosity collection! Twelve vintage watchmaker vials containing: squirrel vertebra, baby blue parakeet feathers, coyote toe bone, red fox claw, red Mediterranean coral, crinoid fossils, black snail shell, mouse bones, moss agate chips, mink tooth, rat leg bone, and pyrite chips. The vials live in a little royal blue case. It's all very pretty, you will love it.
What you do
There are a few ways you can win this tiny cabinet of curiosities. If you're on Tumblr, you can simply follow us (if you aren't already) AND reblog the giveaway announcement post -- you can "like" it too, but we only count the reblogs!
If you have another blog elsewhere, you can create a blog post which must include the following details: 1) the photo above of the giveaway prize, 2) a link back to the giveaway listing so that others can get the relevant details, 3) your favorite Feather & Moss collection, past or present!, 4) and then please send us a link to your blog post at featherandmoss@gmail.com so we can count you!
Have more than one blog? Then you have more than one chance to win! Get the message out on, say, both Tumblr and Blogger and you'll get your name in the hat twice! (You can post as much as you want on any one blog, however, multiple posts on one individual blog will only be counted once, i.e., multiple Tumblr posts only count as one vote. You increase your odds by posting on different blogs. Make sense?)
How this is gonna go down
This is a names-in-a-hat thing; we'll draw the winner at 8am (Central Time) on Monday, September 10th and contact you immediately. We need to hear back from the winner within 24 hours with your mailing info (a re-draw will occur if not). We will announce the winner here and on Tumblr as soon as we make contact with the winner!
The giveaway is open to all our international friends, too. All ya'll can play!
Good luck, and thank you everyone for showing us your love!!
Posted by
Rachel B
Monday, September 03, 2012
Labels: bones, cabinet of curiosities, claw, curiosities, feather and moss, fossils, freebie, giveaway, minerals, tooth, vintage vials
August 30, 2012
New Curiosity Cabinet
Posted by
Rachel B
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Labels: cabinet of curiosities, curiosity cabinets, feather and moss
August 17, 2012
If any of you are into tumblr, you can check out the one I share with my partner in crime here- Feather and Moss
Posted by
Rachel B
Friday, August 17, 2012
Labels: feather and moss, tumblr
August 15, 2012
Change is good....
When I started this blog about five years ago, I was looking for a place to share the things I found here and there that were uplifting and fun. I was attempting to stay on the side of things that were readily accepted by my 'peers'. Now, there isn't anything at all wrong with that. However, I found that I felt the need to leave out parts of me that were... um... strange? Or a little dark. Or not always super fun happy. While I still enjoy seeking out images or products that are bright and fresh, in 'real life' I am quite a bit more earthy. And quite a bit weirder. Over the course of the next few weeks, I will be making changes to this blog. It will be reflecting more of my interests that I was afraid to share before. I realize I may lose readers in doing this, but I've come to a place in my life where I need to just do what fulfills me.
Posted by
Rachel B
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Labels: changes
August 10, 2012
Free Shipping in my Society 6 Shop
I really enjoy the artwork available on Society 6. Today I'm happy to offer you free shipping for a limited time in my shop over there. Check and see if any of your favorite artists have a promo going on too!
Posted by
Rachel B
Friday, August 10, 2012
Labels: art, free shipping, prints, society 6
July 30, 2012
Vintage Deer and plates...
Posted by
Rachel B
Monday, July 30, 2012
Labels: deer, milk glass, vintage, vintage destash