April 17, 2009

On a quest for wonderful soap...

A friend of mine told me a few days ago that she wanted to buy some "pretty" soap. That got me thinking... so I shopped around town, but didn't really find THE soap. So I hopped on the internet and found these three. Now I'm trying to decide which one she would like best.
What are your favorite pretty soaps?

1. Crabtree and Evelyn
2. Tokyo Milk
3. Mistral Soap


Miss | A said...

to be honest I am a dove gal daily. but for pretty...i like the sandlewood soap at whole foods and also love all the crabtree soaps!

Karen said...

Rachel - reading your wonderful blog reminded me that I had done a blog a while back about soap! Take a look for some ideas of different soaps:
http://everydayspecial.blogspot.com. These soaps are the ones that have been the favorites in my shop over the years. Just go to the keywords for soap and you can see how cute some of them are.

Amisha said...

Hi Rachel,
I really enjoy visiting your blog! And I have a thing for soap. So chiming in I really like Roger and Gallet soap (although these soaps have disappeared now). So I like the "South of France" soap, available in Whole Foods.

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