July 27, 2010

Ahhh college in the early nineties...

Seriously people!!! I even have a flannel shirt tied around my waist. I was so grunge. Hee heee.
Recently I was going through some photographs and came across some from my stint at Southern Illinois University. Wow those were some surreal times. Can I even remember back that far?? I thought all of you might get a kick out of seeing me um- ahem- 17 years ago.


HereBeDragons said...

Oh, I so remember those days! LOL! I'm pretty sure I have a scarily similar photo myself!

Sarah Knight said...

: ) I was a late nineties college girl since I was like so in junior high school when "Smells Like Teen Spirit" came out. I still remember smirking at the "cool kids" in the cafeteria when they were trying to figure out the words to that song and wondering what a Mulatto was...

Oh, to be one of the 'brains' (and more specifically the one that was going to art school)...

Good times, melancholy times, but good times
: )

Pixie said...

hahahaaa! wow...brings back memories of my own. At MY school it was all about the back pack and whether to single or double strap it. Single strap was "in" when I started but double strap was way cooler by the time I graduated. I remember showing up on my first day with my jeans pegged like high school and NO ONE wearing them like that. Mortified. lol

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