July 19, 2010

Happy Monday! and a little discount...

Hello everyone! Happy Monday! Today has been a sweet relief from the heat- we have rain and are currently at 73 degrees!! Maybe some of you don't welcome rain, but seriously- I am happy to get a break from the 95 degree weather!!
As a little celebration, I am offering my readers 10% off of the upcoming Bloom E-Course. I will refund the discount through Paypal, and you will receive access to the private blog within 48 hours of signing up. I can't wait to get back into the class!
Use the button below to sign up.

I have been busy writing the follow up course which will be starting on September 6th. If you have questions about it, please feel free to contact me!


Sarah Knight said...

Rain is a refreshing break from the heat, isn't it?
We literally had quarter sized hail on Sunday afternoon — yes, hail! That was amazingly weird juxtaposed with the fact that it had been in the high eighties all day long!

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